I woke up Saturday determined to get some projects finished.
First up was the new programmable digital thermostat. I tore into the packaging, ripped the old unit off the wall and was finished in half an hour- and this was including the time required to make a pot of coffee.
Funny thing, but this new unit seems to work a whole lot better than the old mercury thermostat we had up before. The furnace doesn’t turn off and on so much, and the house seems warmer.
Emboldened by my success, I moved on to the dining room, where I hung up the new light fixture and installed a nifty dimmer switch. While I was there, I put a new three-way switch in for the upstairs light.
At this point, I took a break for lunch and took a quick nap. I woke up, then went outside and cleaned and repaired the gutters.
Then I went about installing the new fence diving the yard into child and dog zones. I purchase a couple of the ready-built 6 foot long sections of fence and a few posts.
I set the first post, then carefully measured 62 inches and set the second.
Yeah, six foot fence sections. There are 72 inches in six feet, not 60. So I’m a dumb shit.
Pulled the post, dug a new hole, and set the post at 72 inches. Except I needed to set it at 74 because the post is a 4 x 4 and I’m a dumb shit.
Pulled the post, dug a new hole, and set the post at 74 inches.
So much for things going easy...